Initiatives with Investors
Policy and Approach
Instead of pursuing short-term performance shortsightedly, we aim to improve unitholders' value over the medium to long term by formulating strategies and policies while assessing changes in society and the economic environment in order to communicate sufficiently with unitholders and to share a common direction for the road ahead.
It is the policy of MHR and MIM to make fair and accurate disclosure of information in a timely manner that contributes to investment decisions.
We communicate policies and management conditions to unitholders to establish a long-term relationship based on trust while actively seeking bi-directional communication by incorporating the opinions of unitholders into our business activities.
IR Policy
Disclosure Policy
- (1)
- In managing assets, MHR shall always make timely, accurate and fair disclosure from the standpoint of investors.
- (2)
- In order to be able to provide timely, accurate and fair disclosure pursuant to Clause 1, MHR shall establish and maintain a system for collecting information that needs to be disclosed.
- (3)
- With respect to the information collected pursuant to Clause 2, as necessary MHR shall consult outside experts and make timely decisions regarding the need for disclosure, as well as contents and timing.
- (4)
- All information that is required to be disclosed pursuant to the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act or other applicable laws and regulations or by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. and The Investment Trusts Association, Japan, etc. shall be disclosed in the required format.
- (5)
- All information that is important for investment decisions by investors shall be made on a voluntary and proactive basis.
- (6)
- If entering into forward commitments in connection with the acquisition of a property, MHR shall make appropriate disclosure in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, etc.
Timely Disclosure Flow

IR Activities
The following is MHR’s IR schedule.
- End of fiscal periods: January and July
- Announcement of financial results (financial reports): March and September
- Briefing session on financial results: March and September
- Delivery of asset management reports: April and October
Semiannual reports, Presentation materials, etc. are uploaded on the MHR website as appropriate.
Improvement of IR Tools
Semiannual Reports
The semiannual reports is sent to investors each period and presents the accounts and status of assets under management in the “legal pages" as well as the "optional pages" which provide easy-to-understand summaries.
Presentation Materials
The presentation material summarizes accounts and the status of assets under management and are used for meetings with analysts and institutional investors after the announcement of financial results.
Press Releases
In addition to the timely disclosure required as a listed investment corporation, we disclose information that is deemed useful to investors.
Home Page
We post diversified information including the outline and policy of MHR, status of assets under management and latest press releases in a timely fashion and an easy-to-understand manner.
Result of IR-Activities
We conduct various IR activities to explain management situations and policies to unitholders in order to establish a bidirectional communication with unitholders, obtaining feedback and utilizing their perspectives in our management.
(IR Activities in 2024)
- Briefing session on financial results with institutional investors: 2 times
- Individual meetings with institutional investors: 73 times
External Assessment
All Japanese Listed Companies' Website Ranking
Nikko Investor Relations Co., Ltd. announces a valuation of websites of all listed companies by investigating the degree of information disclosure based on objective evaluation items from its unique perspective.
- "AA Website" in 2024
Internet IR Award
Daiwa Investor Relations Co. Ltd. evaluates and grades the websites of all listed companies based on objective evaluation from its unique perspective and selects those companies which have created especially excellent IR websites and used them in their information disclosure and communication activities in an effective manner.
- Internet IR "Grand Prize" in 2018
- Internet IR "Grand Prize" in 2016