Financial Highlights
Operating Results
13th fiscal period (January 2013)-18th fiscal period (July 2015)
Operating revenues

Net income

Dividend per unit

※A 5-for 1 split of investment units was implemented on February 1, 2014.
Total assets

LTV (book value basis)

- (Note 1)
- Net income per unit for the periods with capital increase are calculated based on the average number of investment units during the period.
- (Note 2)
- A 5-for-1 split of investment units was implemented on February 1, 2014. Net income per unit and net assets per unit for the 15th fiscal period differ from that in the Financial Report and Semiannual Report as calculations are made based on the number of investment units before the split of investment units.
Diversification of borrowing maturities
Diversification of borrowing maturities